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By helping hundreds of hospitals like HCA Healthcare hire nurses faster and with less aggravation, Iman Abuzeid has built the rare VC-backed startup that’s already profitable. It likely won’t be long before it becomes a unicorn.
Iman Abuzeid walked into the Andreessen Horowitz annual barbecue in the summer of 2019 with two term sheets from other VC firms already in hand, but she was determined to leave with a third. The cofounder and CEO of Incredible Health was sure she wanted a16z managing partner Jeff Jordan, the former CEO of online restaurant reservation marketplace OpenTable and senior vice president at eBay, to help grow her nurse hiring startup.
What she didn’t realize is that she would not only land a key investor that night but also one of her company’s marquee customers. Amid the endless trays of hamburgers and ribs at the home of Ben and Felicia Horowitz, Abuzeid, 36, walked past Tina Knowles (Beyoncé’s mom) and CBS anchor Gayle King, and honed in on Bernard Tyson, the late CEO of Kaiser Permanente. Abuzeid says she started the conversation with Tyson the same way she does with all hospital executives she’s pitching. “We’re in a huge nursing shortage,” she tells them. “I’m guessing your units are understaffed, and they don’t have enough nurses?”
Incredible Health cofounder and chief technology officer Rome Portlock
Incredible Health cofounder and chief technology officer Rome PortlockINCREDIBLE HEALTH
Within a month of that barbecue, San Francisco-based Incredible Health, which Abuzeid cofounded with chief technology officer Rome Portlock, 41, had landed Jordan’s firm as the lead investor of its million Series A round. Soon after, it also had inked a deal to work with Kaiser, which encompasses 39 hospitals and is now one of her company’s biggest customers.
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Discover the transformative power of Tranont’s Enrich, a cutting-edge digestive enzyme blend designed to optimize your digestive health. In this video, we’ll provide a quick and insightful overview of Enrich, highlighting its key benefits and how it can enhance your overall well-being.
Key Points Covered:
– A closer look at Tranont’s Enrich and its advanced digestive enzyme formulation.
– How Enrich supports optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
– My personal experience and the benefits of Enrich.
– Guidance on incorporating Enrich into your daily routine for maximum effectiveness.
– Where to find Enrich and exclusive offers for our viewers.
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What’s the healthcare system like in Malaysia? I get this question a LOT and it’s time to share my experience…
This video is targeted to fellow Westerners (or any foreigners) who are considering moving to, visiting or retiring in Malaysia and may have a similar experience to me. As an Australian, I’ve had many frustrations with the country’s health system. It’s expensive and wasteful. Private health insurance does not cover many of the things you’d expect.
When I moved to Malaysia two years ago from Sydney I was honestly blown away by how well I was treated by GPs (kliniks), specialist doctors, surgeons, and physiotherapists. Health insurance in Malaysia is excellent and covers a lot more than in Australia.
This is my honest comparison based on my experience. My health insurance is covered by work so I do not pay for it myself out of pocket. If you’re a local Malaysian, please share your experience and knowledge in the comments so we can all learn. Check it out:
0:59 – GPs (General Practitioners, Family Doctors, Primary Care Physicians)
3:42 – Specialist Doctors (Surgeons, Radiology, Booking Times)
7:19 – Health Insurance (Medical Insurance, Cost & Coverage)
I am not an expert on Malaysia (yet), and I may get some things wrong, but this is my authentic opinion based on my experiences. Please correct me in the comments and we can all learn more about Malaysia.
Subscribe for my travel & lifestyle insights as an Aussie in Malaysia. New videos every fortnight!
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#malaysia #kualalumpur #expat #expatlife #malaysiatravel #kualalumpurmalaysia #healthcare #southeastasia #malaysiahealthcare #malaysiavlog #healthinsurance #medicaltourism #medicare #digitalnomad Video Rating: / 5
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