10% off with promo code THANKYOU ends 12/31/20 cst. Visit http://www.thelashe.com

The Lashe® is committed to providing premium quality lash extension products and services. Our mission is to constantly offer the most innovative and safe products, along with comprehensive education. The products and education were designed to be a complete system. Our application and aftercare products are all produced in the USA, with the highest quality standards. The Lashe® is committed to providing the most thorough education available through our extensive hands-on training and precision techniques courses. We know you will be as enthusiastic with our products and techniques as we are. Our commitment to you is for continual improvement in products, techniques and support.

Enroll for an upcoming training program or to find a Certified Lashe Stylist near you, visit http://www.thelashe.com or call (773) 202-9399


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We now have Online Classes! 
Online Classes | Eyelash Extension Certification Online

Academy | Lash Classes

Eyelash Extensions 101 | Full Tutorial on application. Everything you Need to Know. My gift to you for Fourth of July. Tips and tricks included. Long video of everything you need to know. Skip to a section for specific questions. Breakdown below. #lashlove

Glue – Yegi Beauty Premium Adhesive: https://yegibeauty.com/collections/adhesives-removers/products/yegi-premium-eyelash-extensions-adhesive-glue
Lashes – Yegi Beauty Mink Class Vegan Eyelash Extensions: https://yegibeauty.com/collections/lashes/products/yegi-beauty-mink-eyelashes
Yegi Beauty Tweezers: https://yegibeauty.com/collections/application-tools-supplies/products/y-line-tweezers-for-eyelash-extensions
All other supplies: yegibeauty.com

1. 3:00 Taping down bottom lashes
2. Where I place the Lashes and why
3. 4:45 How I select the curl and length of the lashes (.15 D 11,13,15)
4. 5:45 For straight lashes what are the options lash lift or extensions options
5. 6:50 start isolating and applying the lashes
6. 10:30 adjusting the tape or under eyepatch during application
7. 11:40 isolating and application close up
8. 15:00 what to do with baby lashes
9. 15:37 how do I know if the natural lash can handle the extension I’m applying
10. 16:30 how much do you dip the lash extensions in th glue or how much glue to use? And where to grab the extension from to pull off the strip
11. 19:00 how many eyelash extensions do I apply to the natural lashes
12. 20:30 drying and u taping
13. 22:00 what if classic looks too natural what to do?
14. 22:15 bloopers and closing Follow our Instagram @YegiBeauty and/or contact us at info@yegibeauty.com for any questions on pricing, availability or requirements.

Follow Yegi on Social Media for her day to day life:

For Lash Products, Lash Academy & the Yegi Beauty Salon:

BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY: info@yegibeauty.com

#eyelashextensions #lashlove #yegibeauty *DISCLAIMER – These videos are meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to replace actual certification or license training.*

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