Archive for the tag: Booming

Despite the pandemic and inflation, the medical tourism industry is booming. Here’s why.

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Medical tourism has existed since the dawn of civilization, with records of people from Roman times visiting countries such as Turkey and Switzerland to access hot volcanic waters for healing purposes.

The modern equivalent has been driven primarily by access to information on the internet.

Patients scour the web for treatments on foreign shores — ranging from heart operations to cosmetic procedures — typically at a higher quality and lower cost compared to what is offered in their home countries.

Chris Pochiba is a social media influencer who traveled to South Korea for laser eye surgery in 2022. His wife, Sara Aho, explained why they chose South Korea, instead of other destinations.

“A lot of countries in the world have the same technology. But Korea is known for being very high tech, it’s very clean, very hygienic, very professional, and a little bit familiar,” Aho said.

Indeed, more Americans are opting to seek treatment in the likes of Mexico, Costa Rica, India and Thailand, where their average cost savings are in the range of 45% to 90%.

The Covid-19 pandemic, however, halted international travel — and, by extension, patient inflows — disrupting what was at the time a booming industry worth more than billion.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom.

“We came back with less people, made more revenue than 2019, last year of 2022,” Paul McTaggart, CEO and founder of medical travel agency Medical Departures, told CNBC.

Paul added: “As you’re seeing inflation at the pump, at the grocery store, you’re also seeing it at the hospital. The price of medicine and dental care has gone up and we’ve been a benefactor of that.”

So is this rapid growth sustainable? And are there pitfalls that individuals considering this route should be wary of? Watch the video above to find out more.

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Malaysian healthcare giant sees stock boost

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The company raised bns in what was the world’s third-largest initial public offering this year. Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett reports from Kuala Lumpur.

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7 Booming Healthcare Business Ideas You Can Try

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Check out these 7 options for starting your own healthcare business, some of which can be done from home! The healthcare business is booming as more people require care and health and wellness trends become increasingly popular. All of that means there’s an increased need for businesses in this industry. If you’ve been hoping to start a new healthcare business now might be a perfect time. For our complete guide, visit:

Our video covers:

Idea 1: Drug Treatment or Rehabilitation Center (2:19)

Idea 2: Medical Transcription Services (3:59)

Idea 3: Develop a Healthcare App (4:53)

Idea 4: Senior Care Services (6:03)

Idea 5: Personal Trainer (7:06)

Idea 6: Acupuncturist (7:59)

Idea 7: Marijuana Dispensary (9:02)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on how to help your business succeed!

Want to discover what financial options are available for your small business? Using Fundera’s proprietary technology, you can apply for financing with over 30 different lenders with one application, at no cost whatsoever. Get started today:
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