If you’ve ever had doubts about who we are and what we can do, consider this a heartfelt assurance message just for you😊 To learn more about our services visit https://c-care.com/ug/
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Oregon Contraceptive Care, or CCare for short, is a state funded program that pays for birth control consultations, paps, emergency contraceptives, and condoms, as well as your birth control method of choice. That means oral contraceptives, NuvaRings, patches, Depo Provera, IUS or IUD, hormonal implants, male and female condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides, are all available to you, through CCare.
C-Care Health Services is a home care provider and healthcare staffing agency that embodies the core values of quality care and cost-efficient services. Video Rating: / 5
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month.
Learn the ABCs of Viral Hepatitis and find out if you might be at risk during a special FB Live!. Hispanic Federation in partnership with NYC community organizations will be providing information about Hepatitis (HCV) and where you can access resources and services. #HEPFREENYC #ViralHepatitis #hepatitisAwarenessMonth Hep Free NYC