Archive for the tag: Healthcare

FREE Certification Courses for NURSES & other Healthcare Professionals -Part 1 | Nurse Resumé

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Offered by Harvard University, John Hopkins University, NCSBN. FREE Certification Courses for NURSES & other Healthcare Professionals.

This is part 1 of the series, focusing on COVID-19 certification courses for Nurses or any other healthcare professionals. Earn continuing education credits and certificates for a stronger resumé.

Impress recruiters with these certifications under your belt!

John Hopkins University School of Nursing:
COVID-19: Effective Nursing in Times of Crisis

Harvard University
Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19

NCSBN COVID-19 courses

#NurseResume #HealthCareCertification #COVID19CertificationCourse
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Google form

Considering the expanse of COVID’s second wave and rise in cases, it has led to immediate requirement of skilled workforce in the Healthcare sector to continue providing essential care and services to patients. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), under Skill India Mission is undertaking a Special Training Program. with the following objectives:
To meet the upsurge in the demand of skilled healthcare professionals
To reduce the burden of existing healthcare professionals
To provide timely healthcare services in every corner of the country
The Special Training Program comprises of the following three customised crash courses:
Component 1: Fresh Skilling of candidates in six healthcare sector job roles
Component 2: Upskilling (RPL) for candidates with prior experience / prior learning
Component 3: Training of drivers in handling and transportation of Liquid Medical Oxygen

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Google Data Analytics free course —
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ഗൂഗ്ളിൻെ 136 FREE കോഴ്‌സുകൾ (Include Certification)
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Clife healthcare Before and after 45days therpay

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Paralysis probelm cured
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Healthcare Worker's Disease Hepatitis B 1995 OSHA

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Healthcare Worker's Disease Hepatitis B 1995 OSHA

In the 1980s, 17,000 healthcare workers used to contract and literally a planeload (300) of healthcare workers died one at a time essentially in silence every year from hepatitis B. The nickname for Hepatitis B during this era was the “healthcare workers” disease. Once there was a vaccine, most healthcare employers still refused to buy the vaccine due the cost (0). It wasn’t until after Labor Unions pushed for a Joint CDC/NIOSH/OSHA Alert in the late 1980s followed by a 5 year campaign resulting in a final OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard (BBP) in 1991 – that required employers to provide the vaccine free of charge – that cases started to plummet. The incidence of occupational hepatitis B infections declined dramatically, from more than 17,000 cases in 1983, before the availability of the vaccine, to 400 in 1995 — a 95% decline and an amazing example of an OSHA success. The protection of healthcare workers from exposures to bloodborne pathogens, a life-threatening occupational risk in healthcare settings, was tragically neglected in the pre-AIDS era. Such exposures, particularly to hepatitis B, long exacted a deadly toll among healthcare workers worldwide. But it was not until the global AIDS epidemic captured the attention of the healthcare community that efforts to reduce this grave occupational risk were set in motion. The first case of needlestick-transmitted HIV was reported in the Lancet in 1984, alerting the healthcare community to this new threat. In 1987, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) documented six cases of occupationally acquired HIV infection in the U.S., a report that sent shock waves through the healthcare community. Pressure was applied to government agencies to take protective action, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) a large healthcare worker union and others formally petitioned the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor with authority over employers, to set new standard requiring healthcare employers to upgrade protective measures provided to employees. After several years of hearings and public comment, and intense congressional pressure, the standard was promulgated in 1991. To this day, the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (BPP) remains the principal authority protecting U.S. HCWs from bloodborne pathogens. The BBP included provisions requiring employers to establish exposure prevention programs, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, fluid-resistant gowns, protective eyewear, masks and other barrier garments to reduce contact with blood and contaminated body fluids; (2) safer handling and disposal of sharp medical devices; (3) hepatitis B vaccine offered at no cost to employees; (4) use of puncture-resistant sharps containers, placed as close as possible to the point-of-use; and (5) annual training of all at-risk workers in the protective measures included in the guidelines.
For more information, go to the OSHA website on Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention at This is clipped from the 1992 OSHA video, As It Should Be Done: Workplace Precautions Against Bloodborne Pathogens. 24 minute video explains how workers can protect themselves against occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, such as Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This program is targeted primarily to health care workers and related professionals. The entire video is available on the OSHA website and at the Internet Archive.
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Get all 26 Healthcare Interview Questions and Answers by Richard here:
#healthcareinterviewquestions #healthcareassistant #nhsinterview
In this video, Richard McMunn will teach you how to pass any Healthcare job interview.

This interview tips video is suitable for all NHS Healthcare roles.
Biomedical scientists.
Cardiac physiologists.
Clinical cytogeneticists.
Clinical immunologists.
Clinical microbiologists.
Cervical cytologists.
Dental staff.
Doctors. –
Emergency medical dispatchers.
Health records staff.
Health support workers.
Health visitors.
Laboratory staff .
Learning disability nurses.
Health service managers.
Healthcare Assistants.
Medical laboratory assistants.
Medical Receptionist. –
Mental health nurses.
Midwives. –
Nurses. –
Nursing assistants. –
Nursery staff.
Occupational therapists.
Orthodontic specialists.
Orthopaedic technicians.
Pharmacy technicians.
Podiatrists and chiropodists.
Radiographers. –
Respiratory physiology technicians.
Medical secretaries.
Sterile services manager.
Support Workers. –
Ward clerks.
Ward managers.

Q1. Tell me about yourself and why you want to work in Healthcare?
Q2. Why do you want to work here?
Q3. How would handle difficult situations and describe a previous situation where you’ve dealt with one?
Q4. Tell me what you know about the 6c’s?
Q5. What would you do in an emergency situation?
Q6. Talk about a time when you had to handle someone who was upset or angry?
Q7. How will you handle your workload within this Healthcare role?
Q8. What are the greatest challenges facing Healthcare both now and in the future?
Q9. What are your greatest strengths?
Q10. Tell me a time when you provided exceptional quality of care?
Q11. What is patient confidentiality?
Q12. What values do you think are important working in healthcare?
Q13. Tell me a time when you provided excellent treatment or care?
Q14. What is safeguarding in healthcare?
Q15. Describe a time when you had to manage lots of different tasks at once?
Q16. Why should we hire you in this healthcare role?
Q17. Describe a time when you had to change you message or style of communication to get your message across to somebody?
Q18. What would you do if you didn’t get on with someone within the healthcare team?
Q19. Tell me a time when you dealt with a challenging or stressful situation at work?
Q20. Have you ever had to work as part of a team to complete a difficult task?
Q21. What is Clinical Governance?
Q22. Working within healthcare can be stressful at times. How would you deal with the stress that comes with the role?
Q23. If you witnessed another healthcare professional treating a patient badly, what you do?
Q24. Tell me how you would deal with an aggressive patient?
Q25. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Q26. That’s the end of your healthcare interview. Do you have any questions for the panel?

Connect with Richard McMunn on

Download all 26 Healthcare Interview Questions and Answers:

Let’s talk about high paying healthcare careers no one really talks about. Most people are only familiar with clinical jobs, like doctors and nursing. These healthcare administration jobs are high income careers that can earn you 6 figures WITHOUT AN M.D – Which one sounds most interesting to you?

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So many people are pushed into become doctors because people think it Is one of the best medical careers and it is a High Paying Healthcare Careers. BUT, you should never become a doctor for the money it is alot of work and very stressful. Healthcare administration jobs and healthcare management jobs are great med school alternatives as they are high income careers that can allow you to have a positive impact.

Here are TWO 6 Figure Healthcare Careers NO ONE Talks About:

1) Healthcare Consulting.This is part of healthcare’s fast growing careers. You start earning 6 figures by your early to mid 20s, you get paid to travel, solve problems, and have a true impact in healthcare. Most people get hired straight out of underground, which is why this is one of the best healthcare jobs with a bachelor’s degree. In my biased opinion healthcare consulting is among the best medical careers and med school alternatives.

You NEED to be passionate about the healthcare industry and have basic consulting skills, which include critical thinking, data analytics, presentation skills, and solid communication. These are soft skills which can be transferred over from any job, so you don’t need prior consultant experience although that is a plus.

2) Medical Sales Reps: This is another high income career, however it is more competitive. It is a sales job, which means you get a base salary + commission. You will work closely with key decision makers and you need to be a skilled salesperson. Most companies require 1 year of sales experience, which makes it harder to get this job straight out of undergrad. However if you get sales jobs and internships while you’re still in school and show a desire to learn about healthcare products you can be a very good candidate.

If you want to be in a High Paying Healthcare Careers that doesn’t require an MD, have people person, sales, and quick thinking skills, then Medical Sales are healthcare jobs with a bachelor’s degree that may be for for you.

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#HighIncomeCareers #HealthcareCareers #IncomeOverOutcome

7 Booming Healthcare Business Ideas You Can Try

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Check out these 7 options for starting your own healthcare business, some of which can be done from home! The healthcare business is booming as more people require care and health and wellness trends become increasingly popular. All of that means there’s an increased need for businesses in this industry. If you’ve been hoping to start a new healthcare business now might be a perfect time. For our complete guide, visit:

Our video covers:

Idea 1: Drug Treatment or Rehabilitation Center (2:19)

Idea 2: Medical Transcription Services (3:59)

Idea 3: Develop a Healthcare App (4:53)

Idea 4: Senior Care Services (6:03)

Idea 5: Personal Trainer (7:06)

Idea 6: Acupuncturist (7:59)

Idea 7: Marijuana Dispensary (9:02)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on how to help your business succeed!

Want to discover what financial options are available for your small business? Using Fundera’s proprietary technology, you can apply for financing with over 30 different lenders with one application, at no cost whatsoever. Get started today:
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Heals Healthcare – Clinic Solution

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Coronavirus outbreak: More than 55 health-care workers infected as B.C. reports 14th death | FULL

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B.C.’s top doctor says more than 55 health-care workers have now been infected with the novel coronavirus, as the province confirmed 42 new cases and one new death.

There are now a total of 659 cases confirmed in B.C. and 14 deaths.

The latest fatality is the 11th to be linked to North Vancouver’s Lynn Valley Care Centre.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said Wednesday she only had data on infected health-care workers who are connected to outbreak clusters at seniors’ facilities and to Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver.

“Most of the other health-care workers who have tested positive were infected in the community,” she said.

For more info, please go to

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#GlobalNews #COVID19 #bcpoli #Coronavirus
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Best Healthcare Company Names

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Well, This is Not Enough, We Have Even More Collection !!! 😎
🔎 Find More Names Ideas @ 👇

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Apart from this, We made Some Simple Guides to help you in terms of Business Starting Easily. This Guide contains Each and Every detail about the Business. and definitely enhance your Business Activity. 🐱👤

Read More Below 👇

✔ Things to Know Before Starting a Business
✔ Business Name Guide
✔ Business Slogans Guide
✔ Business Logo Guide
✔ Retail Store Marketing Guide
✔ Offline Marketing Ideas Guide
✔ Online Marketing Ideas Guide


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Canada's Healthcare System Explained!

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Last week we discussed the United States health care system. This week we discuss Canada’s. We also take some time to bust some myths about their single payer health care system. Fight about it in the comments below.

Make sure you subscribe above so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes!

References for a lot of the “myths” about Canada can be found here:
Aaron’s series on quality is here:
Canadian wait time data is here:

John Green — Executive Producer
Stan Muller — Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll — Writer
Mark Olsen – Graphics

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The Future of Community-based Healthcare

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The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust