Archive for the tag: Patient

Diabetes Patient Education

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Diabetes is a serious condition that is not curable, it’s important that you learn as much as you can about the disease and work with your diabetes management team to manage the disease and get the support you need to stay strong.

You can live an active, full life with diabetes, but you must be motivated and willing to manage it diligently and correctly. Failure to manage your diabetes can lead to disease-related complications such as problems with your eyes, kidneys or nerves, or heart attacks, strokes and amputations. These complications are permanent and irreversible, but with proper diabetes management, you may be able to limit these complications or prevent them altogether. The video below offers important points about insulin, diet and exercise and life management.
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Diabetes Introduction and Patient Education

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Hello future nurses. This video will discuss Diabetes diagnosis, hallmark manifestations, and patient education. Stay tuned for “Diabetes Complications”. This video is for educational purposes only. If you have a question about a medical condition, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. The content in this video strives for accuracy but errors may occur. Always verify accuracy of educational content according to scientific evidence, policies, and procedures.