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Why are Private Hospitals More Expensive than Government Hospitals in Malaysia? Reason 1 and 2

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In this video, Haziq, a life planner from AIA Malaysia, explains why medical expenses in private hospitals in Malaysia tend to be higher than those in government hospitals.

He discusses factors such as the quality of care, facilities, insurance, competition, and profit. He also emphasizes the importance of weighing the benefits of private care against the costs when making decisions about medical treatment.

#privatehospitalcosts #medicaltreatment #Malaysia #healthcare #insurance

Coronavirus outbreak: More than 55 health-care workers infected as B.C. reports 14th death | FULL

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B.C.’s top doctor says more than 55 health-care workers have now been infected with the novel coronavirus, as the province confirmed 42 new cases and one new death.

There are now a total of 659 cases confirmed in B.C. and 14 deaths.

The latest fatality is the 11th to be linked to North Vancouver’s Lynn Valley Care Centre.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said Wednesday she only had data on infected health-care workers who are connected to outbreak clusters at seniors’ facilities and to Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver.

“Most of the other health-care workers who have tested positive were infected in the community,” she said.

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