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In this video, Professor Dan Reinstein performs a ReLEx SMILE (small incision lenticule extraction) – a keyhole type of LASIK procedure – filmed in real-time to demonstrate the full 3 and-a-half minute procedure from multiple angles. The superior design and optical precision of the Carl Zeiss Meditec Visumax femtosecond makes it the only femtosecond laser that is accurate enough to perform laser eye surgery through a keyhole incision in the cornea without the need for creating a flap and disruption of the corneal nerves and tearfilm that results from flap creation in the standard LASIK technique. The patient is only in contact with the device is less than 40 seconds with extremely low contract force such that the patient feels effectively nothing, there are no red splodges (subconjunctival haemorages) left behind. From the surgeons’ standpoint the laser procedure is one step: contact with the patient cornea and lenticule creation. The accuracy of ReLEx SMILE has been shown to be higher than that of LASIK in that it is far more accurate for higher prescriptions, and ReLEx smile can perform treatment for myopia / short-sightedness from -1.00 to -10 and in some instances up to -14 D.
For more information about laser eye surgery and ReLEx smile (keyhole LASIK), please contact the London Vision Clinic on 020 7224 1005.
Next stop in our tour of your sensory systems? VISION. With a little help from an optical illusion, we take a look inside your eyes to try to figure out how your sense of vision works — and how it can be tricked.
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Table of Contents
The Structure of the Eye 2:31
The Fibrous, Vascular, and Inner Layers 3:33.2
The Retina 4:56
Photoreceptors, Bipolar Cells, and Ganglion Neurons 5:09.2
Rods and Cones 6:07.5
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